Featured deals | Cheese


Cheese, a beloved dairy product, holds a cherished place in culinary traditions worldwide. Originating thousands of years ago, cheese-making techniques have evolved, resulting in a vast array of flavours, textures, and varieties. Check out the latest cheese specials in various stores across the country by browsing the above catalogues. Don't forget to look for the current wine specials as well.

Rich in protein, calcium, and other essential nutrients, cheese offers both flavour and nutritional benefits. It provides a good source of calcium for bone health and protein for muscle growth and repair. Additionally, cheese contains vitamins such as vitamin A and vitamin B12, which are essential for overall well-being.

Cheese pairs beautifully with a variety of foods, making it a versatile ingredient in cooking. From topping pizzas and salads to melting into pasta dishes or simply enjoyed on a cheese platter with fruits and nuts, cheese adds depth and richness to countless recipes.

Exploring the cheese aisle in supermarkets such as Pick n Pay or Shoprite allows one to discover new and exciting varieties. Whether indulging in a decadent triple cream cheese or savoring a tangy blue cheese, each bite of cheese offers a delightful sensory experience.